Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Job roles within Asda Essay Example for Free

Job roles within Asda Essay Area manager The area manager Philip Davies has a clear but hard Job which he gets well rewarded for, Philip Davies has to make major and long term decisions which could be vital to Asda, obviously he has to actually run he business day in day out and he has to attend regularly board of directors meetings plus he has to do basic and boring paperwork for most of each day. Philip Davies needed good qualifications to become the Area manager of Asda and his qualifications are: * A masters degree in Business * A degree in management * 3 A-levels * 5 A*-C grades at G. C.S.E Without these sorts of qualifications Philip Davies could never have become the Area manager of Asda. Philip Davies has to work 40 hours per week and he gets paid à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½85,000 per year. Plus as a benefit of being the area manager Philip Davies gets a company car every 3 years. Store manager The store manager Gary Hall has a slightly similar job to the Area manager except he does not communicate to the board of directors and the store manager has to work more with the employees inside of the store and he has to check that everything is going well throughout the store. The store manager is responsible for the performance measures in his store: sales, stock loss, labour cost, customer service and Licence to Trade (Health Safety and Food Quality). The Store Manager is also responsible for managing and developing their team of Duty Managers. Gary Hall also needs good qualifications to be the store manager and they are: * Business Degree * Management degree * 3 A-levels * 4 A*-C grades at G.C.S.E These qualifications are a lot like the Area managers (Philip Davies) qualifications, probably because the jobs are similar. Gary Hall has to work 50 hours per week. Gary Hall gets paid à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½60,000 per year and as a benefit he too gets a company car every 5 years. Managers Each manager has their own department to look after and they are: * Finance department * Customer services department * Market research department * Duty department * I.T administration department * Human Resources department The responsibilities of a manager are: * Decision making * Problem solving * Planning, setting targets (long-term objectives) * Ensuring that targets are achieved * The organisation of the working environment With a good manager all of these responsibilities can be completed. Finance manger The finance manger Sue Williams is responsible for many things the most important one being the finance department in which Sue Williams has many responsibilities like: * Accounting * Budgets * Salaries Sue Williams is also responsible for looking after her employees in the finance department. Sue Williams takes her orders from Gary Hall the store manager and then she uses her finance team to conduct those activities. Like Philip Davies and Gary Hall, Sue Williams also needed good qualifications: * Degree in management * 3 A-levels * 4 A*-C grades at G.C.S.E Customer services manager The customer services manager Ben Adams in his job role will have to make sure that every customer goes home happy. Ben Adams does not actually talk to any customers because his job is to tell his customer services team how to make there customers happy. Not only does Ben Adams have to make all the customers happy but he also has to try and make a sale and that is why Ben Adams also has to try and get his team to make a sale. Like all of the other managers Ben Adams takes his orders from Gary Hall and he has to do his best to complete the jobs that Gary Hall assigns for him. To get the job as customer services manager Ben Adams needed these qualifications: * Degree in management * 3 A-levels * 4 A*-C grades at G.C.S.E As a benefit of being the Customer services manager Ben Adams gets discounts when he shops at Asda. As the Customer services manager Ben Adams has to work 48 hours per week and sometimes he may be expected to work overtime and Ben Adams gets paid à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½25,000 per year and he may get paid more if the store manager thinks he deserves it Market research manager The Market research manager Ian Roberts is responsible for everything that goes on in the Market research department one half of the department has to design a product based on the customers preferences and the other half of the department has to try and sell the product that has been designed. The qualifications that Ian Roberts needed were: * Degree in management * 3 A-levels * 4 A*-C grades at G.C.S.E As a benefit of being Market Research manager Ian Roberts also gets a discount on his products whenever he shops at Asda. Like most of the other department managers Ian Roberts has to work 48 hours per week and he to gets paid à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½25,000 per year. Duty Manager The Duty manager James Davis Is responsible for a variety of things but he is mainly in charge of the stock and the warehouse. James Davis is also responsible for all trade operations and James Davis has to make sure that all of the employees in the Duty department all work well together and all work to their full potential and of course he also has to make sure that all of his employees are happy in their working environment. As well as trade operations James Davis also has to improve sales and profitability and at times he and his team may deputise for the store manager Gary hall. To become the Duty manager, James Davis needed these qualifications: * Degree in management * 3 A-levels * 4 A*-C grades at G.C.S.E And of course like all the other department managers James Davis as a benefit receives discounts on his items whenever he shops at Asda. James Davis has to work 48 hours per week and as the Duty manager he gets paid à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½25,000 per year. I.T. and Administration manager The I.T. and Administration manager Sue Williams has many responsibilities like being in charge of everyone in the I.T. and Admin departments (plus the finance department) so she has many activities which mostly consist of filling out forms and reports also Sue Williams has to ensure that all of the employees in her departments work effectively and of course she has to set everyone their tasks each weak and each month the store manager will tell Sue Williams what she will have to do by the end of the month. To be the I.T. and Administration manager Sue Williams needed these qualifications: * Degree in management * 3 A-levels * 4 A*-C grades at G.C.S.E As the manager of I.T and Administration and Finance Sue Williams has to work 60 hours per week plus a lot of overtime. Because Sue Williams is the manager of two departments she gets paid à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½42,000 per year and more if the store manager thinks she deserves it. Sue Williams also gets discounts on whatever she buys at Asda. Human resources manager The Human resources manager Stuart Thatcher is responsible for a lot of things like: * Recruitment * Training * Dismissal * Promotion * Health and Safety It is Stuart Thatchers job to make sure that all of these jobs get done well and to make sure that they do get done well Stuart Thatcher has to set out appropriate tasks for his team and he has to plan everything that his team will have to do for Asda, e.g. if the store needed 5 more employees for staking shelves or whatever it would be Stuart Thatchers job to make sure that the right people were appointed for the store, or another example could be that if the store needed two people to be laid off then it would be Stuart Thatchers job to dismiss the two employees. To become the Human resources manager Stuart Thatcher needed these qualifications: * Degree in management * 3 A-levels * 4 A*-C grades at G.C.S.E As a benefit of being the Human resources manager Stuart Thatcher gets a discount on anything he buys at Asda. Stuart Thatcher has to work 48 hours a week, plus he may sometimes be asked to work overtime. As the manager of the Human resources department Stuart Thatcher gets paid à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½25,000 per year and more if the store manager thinks he deserves it.

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