Monday, August 26, 2019


SLP 5 - HRM EVALUATING TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS - Essay Example There are different models and tools that can be used to evaluate training and development programs that depend on the budget and the nature of the business. However, in the current situation, Kirkpatricks Four-Level Model will be used for the evaluation. The model consists of four levels namely, reaction, learning, behavior, and results. The four levels are all used for a complete evaluation. The model is the best model for measuring the effectiveness of training and development programs. The model helps one quantitatively analyze the impact and the effectiveness of the training so as to improve on it in the coming future. The evaluation model is divided into four parts: reaction, learning, behavior, and results. Reaction level measures how the trainee react towards the training (Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick, 2006). Notably, every instructor wants the trainee to feel that the training was accommodating to them, and they do feel good about the topic, the presentations, and the materials. The main drive of reaction evaluation is to improve the quality of training programs. This will in turn result in the improvement of performance which will be attained by measuring the participant’s reaction to the new program. Evaluation tools in this model are simply feedbacked forms and happy sheets that are based on subjective reaction to the training experiences. Learning level follows the reaction level. The main aim of evaluation at this level is to find the difference between what the trainees already knew and what they have learned from the training program (Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick, 2006). In other words, this is the measure of the increased knowledge from before to the end of the training. In this level, the evaluation focuses on measuring all that was covered in the training events. For this reason, the questions in this level will contain a pre-test that will be taken before practicum

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