Sunday, May 12, 2019

Fieldwork observation report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Fieldwork observation report - Essay guinea pigThe classroom has four walls with a blackboard. The classroom has mathematics section, writing center and the class schedule. in that respect argon also artifacts and that students made displayed in the window. Students also have desks arranged in the middle of the classroom as the teachers desk stay next to the blackboard. The teacher does non spend so much eon on the board. Instead, the teacher takes most of her time assisting students who seem not to have understood.Both teacher-centered method and learner-centered ones argon used in the classroom. For instance, the teacher allows students to work independently as well what the teacher gave them (Bonjour, 2010). The teacher involves at least one student at a time in during class work to project to students with individual differences. In addition, the teacher uses question and answer method to check mastery.Further, the teacher is female and ensures confident(p) reinforcement of knowledge by praising and rewarding those who perform or behave well in the classroom. The teacher also helps students to develop their motor skills and enhance learner-centered type of instruction when the school exposes learners to experiments. Co-curricular activities are not exception learners get a five minutes opportunity to play during before resuming class work.There are students with different cultural backgrounds in the school. Some students come from Spanish Americans, others from African American, white Americans epoch others come from among the American Jews. The school is a private special school located in the coherent Island.In the classroom, students mainly depend on working as individuals for class work. The teacher gives them work through with(predicate) PowerPoint presentation of through their computers. The teacher is in charge throughout, provides instructions on what students need to learn. She also commands the learners to be in possession of handouts, w orkbook, and pencil. The teacher follows up the students

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