Monday, May 13, 2019

Zero Dark Thirty Film Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Zero grisly Thirty Film - Research Paper ExampleBased on the stories of wars, master pieces with moving picturetic rectitude were produced time and again. However, approximately of the war films echoed a sense of a pride and chivalry while others, center on the feeling of internalism being tittered time after time. Nevertheless, it is also true that the violent and painful aspects of war were also being projected through the film produced during and after the First and Second military personnel Wars. After the gloomy and dark clouds of the world wars were removed from the skyline of the States, a new chapter in the tarradiddle of violence started pervading the ambience. The most striking event which Americans, in particular and the world witnessed was the 9/11 flesh out on America. The initial reaction of the 9/11 attacks on the minds and hearts of the eye witnesses and the people who were indirectly associated with the event was so awful that people were left mum and out-o f-words. However, at the same time, it was also actually evident that the war-wounds in the minds of Americans evolved out most spontaneously through its popular culture and consequentially, cinema became the most potent matrix upon which the foundation stone of anti-terrorism talk over was laid. THESIS STATEMENT Violence opened a new avenue in the send traumatic situation and aftermath of 9/11 attacks in cinemas. With the increasing grudge against particular races and ethnicity, the torture to trace down the actual culprit behind the national disaster almost took a rage. This post-traumatic situation got seminal space within the work of the cinema directors during the post 9/11 attacks in the American society. The essay therefore intends to delineate and form a discourse upon the issue of incorporation and presentation of violence in the form of torture in the American cinemas, memory Zero Dark Thirty at the centre of the paper. ZERO DARK THIRTY A extrusion OF VIOLENCE UNDER A NEW LIGHT During the post 9/11 aftermath, cinematic perspectives connect with horror and foreboding of the mishaps took dual dimensions or discourses. The first dimension was set on an account that the dismay and trauma, which the eye-witnesses of 9/11 attacks viewed, was not less than a Hollywood thriller itself. The major contention of the posthumous phase angle of the incident was regarding a dilemma that whether Hollywood should, at all, attempt at making a cinema that would firstly match the crudity of the real incident of 9/11. And if, the directors are successful in twinned the expectations of the audiences with that of the real thrill, whether the audiences would reciprocate to such(prenominal) kind of a presentation wholeheartedly and spontaneously. The reason behind such dilemma was natural and evident as the scar of the 9/11 attacks on America was deep-seated in the minds of the people, to remain un-faded forever. The second school of thought or the discourse related to post 9/11 attacks on America started emerging as soon as the traumatic situation of the 9/11 attacks began effacing. Hence, a new perspective of violence started emerging in the Media and Television industry of America and as a result, the post 9/11 torture inflicted to trace down the conspirer of the 9/11 attacks suddenly became a staple theme for Media. The US television started broadcasting a series of day-by-day soaps and dramas that pondered upon the presentation of torture. The effect of such presentation on national media was so stark that exciting pictorial matter games captivating elaborate and proliferated scenes of torture started making comfortable space in the US market. This was the exact minute when Hollywood was able to perceive the mindsets of the audiences and began to make films on post 9/11 tortures inflicted by assorted internal security agencies upon the suspicious persons.

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