Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Graphic Correlation :: Assignment

Graphic Correlation The first step toward correlating the three characters was selecting an initial ideal reference section. The Morgan Creek section was chosen for this because it had, on average, a higher number of fogy occurrences for the six species that were examined. The first and last occurrences of the six species from this section (x axis of rotation) were secret plan against the first and last occurrences of the same species from the White Creek section (y axis). The product was figure 1.Figure 2 is the same graph as figure 1, provided it has a best fit line through the data, called the line of correlation. The diamond shaped points are first occurrences, while the squares are last occurrences. First occurrences which plot to the right of the line of correlation indicate that this species is found in older rocks in the White Creek section than in the Morgan Creek section. An case of this is the fossil of species Kingstonia pontotocensis (diamond 4). In order to time cor relate this fossil to the Morgan Creek section, the point is carried over horizontally to the line of correlation from which the appropriate x value (point in the Morgan Creek section) was found. In other words, the first occurrence of this fossil was at a point in time that correlates to 133 m from the base of the Morgan Creek section, nevertheless due to poor preservation conditions, erosion, or some other geologic phenomena, the fossil is actually found at 138 m from the base of the Morgan Creek section. When a last occurrence plots to the left of the line of correlation, this means that the fossil occurs in younger rocks in the White creek section than in the Morgan Creek section. Kingstonia pontotocensis is the example again. To correlate this to the appropriate height in the Morgan Creek section, the data point is moved horizontally to the line of correlation, and from a vertical line to the x axis one can see that the point need be adjusted from 145m to 153m in the Morgan Cr eek section. By using this correlation method, a theoretical section is created, by combining first and last occurrences from both sections. It is important to note that this section is not found in nature it is simply an idea which represents what a section would look like if fossil preservation problems did not exist, and all six fossil ranges were accurately represented in the rock record.

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