Friday, May 10, 2019

Serious Game Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Serious Game Critique - Essay ExampleThe unsafe adventures have the efficacy of changing opinions of the societies of influencing them towards achieving a common land goal through educating and funny learning. This has aroused the need to analyze wizard serious game, in order to demonstrate the way it has the capabilities of influencing the societies towards social, physical, and emotional changes. The research study also identifies if the serious game was successful, and illustrate the way the targeted audience responded to the game.This paper specifically assesses the Climate Defense, which is a defense games educating the thespian to prevent the global warming through the absorption of coulomb dioxide before building up into the atmosphere. The game contains towers that represent quantities of trees that can be planted to absorb the one C dioxide emitted to the atmosphere. The towers are constructed by the player to bring down the clouds of carbon dioxide, which matches a long the pathway from the ground surface to the atmosphere in the form of waves.The game presents the boilers suit impacts to the player, especially after the annex of global temperatures. It gives details of the expected results, as predicted by the economists and scientists after the increase of the global temperatures. However, the games provide an opportunity for the player to approach the problematic aspect of the results by decreasing the wave-size of the emitted carbon dioxide. It also gives the player an alternative approach of increasing the efficiency of energy consumptions by decreasing the waves of carbon dioxide, which the trees must deal with.Therefore, the game achieves its goals of eliminating the player the various approaches to end the issue of global warming, especially the common one of planting the trees. It achieves its notions be even predicting the possible impacts if the situation is not taken under control. much(prenominal) predictions include the econom ical point of view and scientific

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