Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Describe the services currently delivered by this organisation Essay

Describe the services currently delivered by this organisation - Essay ExamplePolice is inclusive of a wide range of activities, which ensure the lawful existence of citizens, without any discrepancies in the society due to negligence over unlawful occurrences. They include non only the activities related to safety and security, but also those related to improving the overall quality of life.Commercial Agents Unit They provide licenses and authority to security officers and staff office to carry firearms and batons, to control situations that need immediate attention and swift action. This way, inflammatory situations are averted and controlled. However, it is not always that licenses are issued for these purposes. Only select applicants, matching the measuring required are provided with the equipment and the right to carry forward the application of those, in select circumstances.Community Diversity A society that is pluralist and is a heterogeneous variety show of alter commun ities requires a strong security service, to recognise and upkeep the diversity. In providing this safety, it is imperative to avoid hurting the sentiments of certain groups. The Western Australia Police recognises this diversity and maintains this diversity, by providing equal protection for all and sundry, especially the senior citizens, without any form of discrimination or dilution of authority.Classifications The Western Australia Police are classified under varied types to provide all-round services of protection and safety. Mounted Police, who are mounted on trained horses are one fo the fastest detectors and providers of security to the citizens. Next, the breeze Wing Police operate via helicopters and aircrafts. They have two units and are extremely efficient operators of the Police Department. Further, the

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