Friday, June 7, 2019

The Catalase Lab Essay Example for Free

The Catalase Lab EssayConclusion- The Researchers hypothesis, If more catalase is added thus more atomic number 8 (kPa) will be produced in a scurrying rate because there is more catalase to react upon and if less catalase is added then less oxygen (kPa) will be produced in a gradual rate because there is less catalase to react upon. It was supported by the data obtained because the data obtained showed us that the data of the 5 filter root word obtained showed a faster reaction rate and there was an 85. 5 kPa increase (See Analysis). The data of the 1 filter paper obtained showed a slower reaction rate of 12 kPa total increase. Based on the regular result of the 2 filter paper that showed a reaction rate of 22 kPa average increase, that shows that the hypothesis was supported.In the research workers opinion, the experiment went well and got the results that we expected. The reason we got the result that we did was because the hydrogen peroxide had more catalase to break d own which caused more bubbles which creates oxygen. more than catalase, more oxygen that is produced by the breakdown of the catalase. Its shown by the data that 5 filter papers produced more oxygen (85.5 kPa) than the 2 filter paper (22 kPa) and the 1 filter paper produced less oxygen (12 kPa) than the 2 filter paper.During the experiment, there were couple of errors that caused our data to be inaccurate that we could of improved on. One of our errors was during the 2 filter paper struggle. During single of the trial, around the 5-10 second period, I let out a little gas out of the test tube which lowered the kPa pressure. Its shown on the represent that the pressure has dropped around the 5-10 second range by 4 kPa so that made the result inaccurate. This affected our average of the 2 filter paper average gas pressure.This could have been prevented if I didnt loosen up the stopper which lead to the escape of gas in the test tube. Another error that we had that we potful impro ve on is the constant pressure that is put onto the stopper on the test tube to measure the gas pressure. Its shown on the graph that trial 1 2 of each 1,2, 4 filter paper is not consistent showing the difference between trial 1 trial 2 This can affect the kPa average which shows inconsistency. This could have been prevented if we didnt put so much pressure on the stopper on 1 trial and then not put as much pressure on the stopper on the next trial.Research shows that this can help determine how much oxygen can be produced is to get the hydrogen peroxide to react to the catalase. Research shows that the different environment can affect the production of oxygen in the experiment. More catalase leads to more oxygen production and less catalase leads to less oxygen production. This can be used to determine how chemical breaks different things down and what it produces in the end. overly shows that different environment can change results of different chemical reactions. Hydrogen Pe roxide is used on cuts to clean out debris. The Hydrogen Peroxide bubbles because the catalase in the blood is in contact with the peroxide which bubbles out the debris.

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