Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Sports Theory Lesson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sports Theory Lesson - Essay ExampleStudents to learn about health and fitness of the human bodyTo survive and understand the working of the various systems of the body and their correlation To understand how to take care of the human body and how to restore vitality of the human body face cloth board Charts and presentation slides Students to learn what sport testing is all about and the various ways it helps in effective sport competitionStudents will tone of voice into the science behind training. Students will also learn how to optimise their training time and exercises Students will be able to understand how the body functions at different levels of exercise. The students will also establish their real and optimal training zonesInternet Interactive white board Laboratory Learners will be able to hear common sporting injuries and prevention techniques.Students will learn to identify and categorise sport injuries. Students will also look into preventive measures that can be follow to minimize the risk of injury during sports. The students will also learn how to deal with injuries sustained during sports both psychologically and physicallyAll learners will be able to identify common types of injury and categorise them as per severity and recurrence. The students will in addition be able to identify ways to reduce injuries during preparation, mend playing and in between sporting activities. Internet Interactive white board Research analysis

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