Wednesday, June 12, 2019

You can choose a topic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

You can choose a topic - Assignment Examplech as television broadcasting and radio entertainment, trade advertisements in newspapers and magazines and advertisement using banners and billboards (Baines, Fill, & Page, 2011).The Russ All construction limited company located in California United States is to produce steel products, design puzzle out and produce high quality components and machinery that exceed the consumer requirements. This is by employing appropriate art technology and highly skilled work force. This is to ensure production of quality goods to occupy the demands of the consumers. It is also in line to ensure a healthy competition with other steel and manufacture companies. The company vision is to be the regional and internationalistic market leader in production and designs of steel products and components. Core values incorporated include customer focus, integrity, teamwork, social responsibility, professionalism and environmental responsibilities.The area to be gnarly for the survey is California area in United States to determine their view and perception of the products produced by the Russ All construction limited company. The reason for conducting the survey is ascertain the awareness among the residents of the company. The survey will also determine preference of customers to buy the products produced by the company over other companies producing similar products. The survey will posterior be apply by the company improvement on the production, marketing process, and meeting demands of consumers for the company, to reach the desired target market (Leung, 2001).The method to be used to collect data is the use of questionnaires to the sample identified. Members in the company have been selected to conduct the survey. They are divided to groups, and they are to provide residents with the questionnaire papers to fill on a lower floor guidance (Kruschke, 2010). Data for the survey was collected analyzed, and the finding presented.The Russ All construction limited company produces steel products,

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